Angu Walters African Paintings Available from USA

All these paintings are available for sale. Click on a painting for more info, dimensions, price. Paintings and prints are shipped Free anywhere from Boise, Idaho, USA. Signed Artist Certificate of Authenticity will arrive separately by mail directly from the artist in Africa. Inquiries welcome. 

The Drummer

The painting is of a street musician playing drums for tips, The atmosphere is festive and joyful.

The Blues Band II

This entirely blue painting of an African blues band is a wonder. It captures the excitement of a live music performance.

Mvet Player II

Painting of an African Mvet player. The Mvet is a stringed musical instrument of the Fang people of Cameroon.

The Happy Villagers IV

Painting of close friends in conversation drinking palm wine in a traditional African village.

Mother and Child VII

Angu Walters often paints in awe of nursing mothers. Here, in the warmest of colors.

The Happy Family XII

The Happy Family surreal painting is done in rich golden shades, highlighted with reds, greens, and yellows.

Three on One

In this striking pink and violet original acrylic painting the artist has painted faces of three women atop one another.

Banjo Players II

An African music duo sings love songs and plays banjo in this brightly colored painting.

To the Market V

African women and girls bring their produce to market in a tropical setting. Angu Walters captures the essence of African womanhood and the strength and resilience of these women.

Mother and Child III

From Africa, here is a painting by Cameroon artist Angu Walters in awe of a nursing mother.

To the Market III

This acrylic painting is of African villagers, women and girls, bringing their harvest to market in Cameroon.

Saturday Market I

Saturday Market is a 4-foot wide oil painting rich in detail of the busy scene at a village market in Central Africa.


Africans greeting visitors, welcoming them to the village. Belongs just inside somebody’s front door.


African villagers return home at sunset.

My Best Friend VIII

Painting of two friends in an African village chatting and drinking palm wine from mugs made of carved horns.

African Dancers

Here is a lively painting of barefoot African dancers by Angu Walters of Cameroon, Central Africa.

The Drummer IV

A street musician in a tropical setting plays the drum with a tips jar.

The Kora Player I

The kora is a traditional musical instrument used in Central and West Africa.

The Drummer V

A yellow green and red painting of an African musician playing the drum.

New Born II

A painting that captures the special bond between women, especially mothers, who look out for one another.

Couple II

Sparkling bright violet painting of a loving couple.. a couple of ‘what exactly’ is anybody’s guess.

Saturday Market IV

A painting in soft, cheerful acrylic colors it’s African villagers walking to the weekly market.

Prayer IV

A painting in rich deep colors of African Christians at prayer.

Dialogue V

This painting appears to be somebody who got himself in trouble.

Sanza Player

African musician playing the sanza, in surreal hues of purple and violet.

The Town Cryer II

Here is a surreal bizarre oil painting of a group of African musicians,

Banjo Players

Here is an oil painting of a musical couple singing and playing the banjo.

The Town Crier II

Here is a colorful abstract figurative painting of an African drum player in Cameroon.

The Happy Family VI

Painted in wildly vivid acrylic colors, this original painting from Central Africa is titled Happy Family VI.

My Best Friend

A painting of friends deeply engaged in conversation in a tranquil African village.

Banjo Players III

A singer and banjo player make the music of love, an original painting from Africa.

Family I

African acrylic painting of a family in bright colors.

Play the Drum IV

Colorful acrylic painting of an African drum player by Angu Walters.

The Cyclist III

Abstract figurative geometric style painting of an athlete in a bicycle race by Angu Walters.

Dialogue IV

Dialogue is a blue and green abstract figurative painting of a couple having a serious conversation.

The Drummer XII

Bright orange and blue acrylic painting of an African drum player.

Music is Love V

In this acrylic painting from Africa, a happy couple sing a love song.


This captures the warmth and intimacy of the newlywed couple’s embrace and it is a celebration of marriage.

Twin II

Oil painting from Cameroon, Africa of a happy couple holding hands.

The Couple II

Here is a softly colored orange acrylic portrait of an African couple.

The Happy Villagers

Friends conversing over palm wine in an African jungle village, a surreal painting in improbable colors.


Here is a portrait of a proud mother holding her newborn twin infants.

The Flutist VI

The Flutist is an abstract figurative oil painting of a flute player making beautiful music.


Bravo is a spectacularly bright surreal orange oil painting of an enthusiastic audience member applauding a music performance.

Water is Life IV

African village women with water containers on their heads. The artist Angu Walters often paints women and mothers.

The Dancer II

Surreal oil painting of an African dancer in Cameroon.

Born-House Twin

A proud mother of twin babies. Angu Walters explains this African birth celebration, click through to read more.

Fruit Sellers

Fruit Sellers is a small orange painting of African woman and child carrying baskets of fruit on their heads.

The Last Cyclist

This is an abstract figurative painting of a weary cyclist finishing the race.