
This bright surreal oil painting is a vibrant and colorful work by Cameroonian artist Angu Walters who often paints musicians but in this case he reverses the view and shows an enthusiastic audience member dancing to the music and celebrating, his face filled with joy.

* Available *
Boise, Idaho, USA

60 x 78 centimeters

24 x 31 inches

4680 sq cm / 744 sq in


Bravo is a spectacularly bright surreal orange oil painting of an enthusiastic audience member applauding a music performance.

The artist uses bold colors and simple shapes to create a lively and energetic scene with a sense of movement and energy. The painting is sure to add a touch of color and life to any home.

This painting has not been digitally scanned so this is just a photo. The painting looks better in real life. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Bravo surreal music audience painting close
Bravo surreal music audience painting close
Bravo orange painting

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Tags: Music, Surreal Art