Dialogue IV

This acrylic painting is a couple having a serious discussion and is a statement about the importance of dialogue in resolving conflict of every sort. The use of such bright colors evokes a sense of optimism.

* Available *
Boise, Idaho, USA

100 x 80 centimeters

39 x 31 inches

8000 sq cm / 1209 sq in


Dialogue is a blue and green abstract figurative painting of a couple having a serious conversation.

In this vibrant acrylic creation, Angu Walters has woven geometric patterns with figurative elements to manifest the complexity and brightness of relationships. Each stroke celebrates the union and dialogue intrinsic to marriage, a synergy of lives intertwining. Let the dynamic hues and intricate forms enliven your space, symbolizing a dialogue of harmony and companionship. It will radiate warmth and connectivity, a daily reminder of the beauty in unity.

Sales benefit only the artist and his family in civil war Cameroon. Your signed Artist Certificate of Authenticity will arrive separately by mail directly from the artist in Africa.

Dialogue painting from Africa close
Dialogue painting from Africa close
Dialogue 4 painting art print

Reproduction of Dialogue IV painting available. Contact us or submit an Inquiry below.

Or just Buy Now for $1500

Delivery is by DHL   Satisfaction Guaranteed   Return by mail to USA address available.

Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

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Gift Items printed with this Painting

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Dialogue 4 iPhone case
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Inquiries Welcome

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Dialogue IV

11 + 15 =

Tags: Figurative Abstract, Romantic Art