The Drummer and the Flutist II

This vibrant acrylic painting by Angu Walters captures the joy and energy of African music. The drummer pounds on his drum with abandon, while the flutist plays a soulful melody. One can just nearly hear the music.

Reproduction or art print available.

* SOLD *

53 x 70 centimeters

21 x 28 inches

3710 sq cm / 588 sq in


Acrylic painting of African musicians. One can just nearly hear the music.

The Drummer and the Flutist II is full of movement and energy, with the musicians' lively expressions and rhythmic movements capturing the excitement of a live performance.

If you are looking for a painting that will bring a touch of joy to your home or office, then here is the perfect choice.

The Drummer and the Flutist 2 close
The Drummer and the Flutist 2 close
Drummer and Flutist 2 art print

Reproduction of The Drummer and the Flutist II painting available. Contact us or submit an Inquiry below.

Or just Buy Now for $950

Delivery is by DHL   Satisfaction Guaranteed   Return by mail to USA address available.

Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

Similar African Paintings by Angu Walters

Gift Items printed with this Painting

Drummer and Flutist 2 art print
Drummer and Flutist 2 t-shirt

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The Drummer and the Flutist II

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Tags: African Drummer, Flute Music, Very Blue Paintings