Juju Dance Group

This stunning painting by Angu Walters captures the vibrant colors and energy of a traditional Nsongwa tribal dance performance in NW Cameroon. The dancers are dressed in elaborate costumes and headdresses, as they move to the rhythm of the drums.

Reproduction or top quality art print available.

* SOLD *

109 x 89 centimeters

43 x 35 inches

9701 sq cm / 1505 sq in


Nsognwa tribal dance performance in a Central Africa jungle village.

"Juju Dance Group" is a beautiful and evocative painting that celebrates African culture and tradition. It is set in a lush jungle setting, and the appreciative villagers who have gathered to watch the dance are clearly enthralled by the performance. The painting is beautifully rendered in oil on canvas, and it features rich, vibrant colors that pop off the canvas.

The painting is full of color, movement, and energy. It would make a stunning addition to any home or office. It would be sure to start conversations and inspire creativity.

Wikipedia describes juju, "a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice in West Africa, especially the people of Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. The term has been applied to traditional African religions."

IOW, voodoo! 🙂

Juju Dance Group African voodoo painting close
Juju Dance Group African voodoo painting close
Angu Walters Juju Dance Group

Reproduction of Juju Dance Group painting available. Contact us or submit a Comment below.

Or just Buy Now for $1900

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Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

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Juju Dance Group

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Tags: African Dance, African Juju Voodoo, African Landscape, African Village Life, Tribal Art, Tropical Painting