Mother and Child V

Mother & Child is an oil painting from Central Africa. This painting has been donated to the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital in Somaliland, East Africa.

The hospital trains midwives to help reduce the high rate of maternal and infant mortality in the region, and fights to end the unspeakably evil practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

• Scroll down, for a real-life photo of Edna with a mother and child published in National Geographic magazine. • See also, Christmas NY Times article recommending Edna Hospital as a most worthy charity. Nicholas Kristof Donation Guide 2019.

Edna Maternity Hospital

25 x 40 centimeters

10 x 16 inches

1000 sq cm / 160 sq in


This painting has been donated to the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital in Somaliland, East Africa.

Edna Adan with student midwife featured in National Geographic magazine January, 2019.

Edna Adan Maternity Hospital National Geographic

Reproduction of Mother and Child V painting available. Contact us or submit a Comment below.

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Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

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Mother and Child V

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Tags: Babies, Mothers, Small inexpensive paintings