The Storyteller II

Here is a painting from Angu Walters’ series of original paintings depicting a drummer as telling a story through music. He's also playing a kora, a musical instrument that is traditional in West Africa.

This African painting has found a prominent place in a home in the Netherlands. See below. *We like very much when buyers share back to us photos of their Angu Walters paintings in their homes!!

* SOLD *

100 x 80 centimeters

39 x 31 inches

8000 sq cm / 1209 sq in


Here is an African musician telling a story in music, playing both African drum and a traditional musical instrument, the kora.
The Storyteller 2 at home in the Netherlands

Reproduction of The Storyteller II painting available. Contact us or submit a Comment below.

Or just Buy Now for $1300

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Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

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The Storyteller II

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Tags: African Drummer, Kora Music, Music, Surreal Art, Tribal Art