Sun Shine in My Mind

The sun is seen above a post-Apocalyptic surreal landscape, birds are flying about and ancestors are looking down appearing as spirits in the background. It's an abundance of elements to contemplate.

Sun Shine in my Mind is sold but reproductions and top quality art prints are available.

* SOLD *

90 x 73 centimeters

35 x 29 inches

6570 sq cm / 1015 sq in


A brilliant yellow surrealistic painting. The sun is seen above a post-Apocalyptic landscape.

An admirer on Facebook left this comment:
"Amazing...spectacular and full of symbols. I would love to know what the artist is depicting here.... or is it for us to interpret the meaning behind these images?"

Angu Walters replies:
Hahaha, ok I will..
. she's right there some they will understand the whole picture some will take à bit of time to understand the painting.. Ten or more people looking at a painting all of them will have different feelings on the Painting. and they will be so very happy about that, but in some cases the Artist can come in and spoil everything .. 😁

Sun Shine in My Mind post apocalypse painting close
Sun Shine in My Mind post apocalypse painting close
Sun Shine on my Mind framed

Reproduction of Sun Shine in My Mind painting available. Contact us or submit a Comment below.

Or just Buy Now for $1100

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Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

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Sun Shine on my Mind Africa shirt

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Sun Shine in My Mind

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Tags: African Landscape, Post-Apocalyptic, Surreal Art