African Paintings of Mothers with Babies
Here is a selection of paintings of mothers and newborn babies by Cameroon artist Angu Walters. Custom ordered paintings are available.
Mother and Child XIV
Brightly colored acrylic painting in celebration of a newborn baby, seen here nursing.
New Born
Abstract figurative oil painting on canvas of an African family with their newborn baby.
Mother and Child VIII
Blue violet painting of mother and newborn infant.
Three Women and Infants
Here is a yellow surreal painting from Cameroon of three nursing mothers.
New Born II
A painting that captures the special bond between women, especially mothers, who look out for one another.
Mother and Child VII
Angu Walters often paints in awe of nursing mothers. Here, in the warmest of colors.
Here is a 4-foot-wide oil painting of three nursing mothers.
Here is a portrait of a proud mother holding her newborn twin infants.
Mother and Child XV
An African mother is seen nursing her newborn baby in this painting from Central Africa.
Mother and Child XVI
Painting of a nursing mother.
Mother and Child XVIII
Acrylic painting of a mother and her newborn baby.
Mother and Child III
From Africa, here is a painting by Cameroon artist Angu Walters in awe of a nursing mother.
Mother and Child XVII
Angu Walters often paints nursing mothers.
Born-House Twin
A proud mother of twin babies. Angu Walters explains this African birth celebration, click through to read more.
Mother and Child V
This painting has been donated to the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital in Somaliland, East Africa.
Here is a cheerful acrylic painting of a mother with her three young children.