U and Me
Oil on canvas abstract painting of an African couple.
Oil on canvas abstract painting of an African couple.
Here is a cheerful acrylic painting of a mother with her three young children.
This acrylic painting on canvas is a self portrait of the artist Angu Walters.
Here is an acrylic painting in vivid colors of African faces from Cameroon.
Here is an abstract figurative painting from Africa of faces in soft acrylic colors.
Original painting representing African voodoo.
An abstract figurative painting from Africa of faces in soft acrylic colors.
Here is a painting from Cameroon of African Christians at prayer.
Painting from Africa, a romantic couple share a kiss.
Painting of African Christians at prayer in Cameroon.
Here is an oil painting from Africa in warm tropical colors.
Enormous oil painting of an African family in such warm colors.
Here is a painting of African Christians at prayer.
This very African oil painting in abstract figurative style is of Cameroonians.
Faces is an abstract figurative painting of people in Africa.
An acrylic painting of Africans at prayer by Angu Walters of Cameroon.
Faces is an original oil painting on canvas from Cameroon.
This African painting, a tribute to water, is both magnificent and enormous.
All Heads Together is an original oil painting on canvas.
Painting of two African villagers in conversation over tea in a tropical setting.
Together is an acrylic painting of three faces.
The Happy Family is painted with acrylics.
Welcome is a painting of African villagers welcoming visitors.
Welcome Son is an original acrylic painting of a father and son embracing.
A joyful painting of children at play.
The Deep Sea II is a very blue oil painting of Mermaids.
Angu Walters made this painting to order for a buyer in Montréal.
This is an original abstract acrylic painting of a rooster and represents African voodoo.
Abstract figurative painting of a family in Africa.
An abstract figurative oil painting from Cameroon.
This blue painting from Cameroon is of an African musician playing the flute. Acrylic on canvas.
Painting from Central Africa celebrates the opening of a local music festival.
The kora is a 21-string harp-lute used extensively by people in West Africa.
This oil painting on canvas depicts an African couple.
One of many Angu Walters paintings in celebration of flute music.
Painting of a happily married couple by Angu Walters, whose paintings often celebrate matrimony.
The Three Man Band II is an oil painting of musicians in Africa.
Acrylic painting on canvas of two women selling fruit in Africa.
Abstract figurative painting from Africa by Angu Walters.
This is an abstract figurative painting of a weary cyclist finishing the race.
Fruit Sellers is a small orange painting of African woman and child carrying baskets of fruit on their heads.
The Flutist is an abstract figurative oil painting of a flute player making beautiful music.
Father, Mother and Son is an acrylic painting by Angu Walters .
African Juju Society is an acrylic painting of a rooster in an African Village and representing voodoo.
Here is a portrait of a proud mother holding her newborn twin infants.
An original oil painting of an African couple in love.
This captures the warmth and intimacy of the newlywed couple’s embrace and it is a celebration of marriage.
Dialogue is a blue and green abstract figurative painting of a couple having a serious conversation.
Abstract figurative geometric style painting of an athlete in a bicycle race by Angu Walters.
African flutist, another in a series of paintings of musicians.
African acrylic painting of a family in bright colors.
A singer and banjo player make the music of love, an original painting from Africa.
A painting of friends deeply engaged in conversation in a tranquil African village.
Family Reunion 5 is an abstract figurative painting is from Cameroon.
Painted in wildly vivid acrylic colors, this original painting from Central Africa is titled Happy Family VI.
Fabulously bright pink painting in celebration of African dance.
Here is a colorful abstract figurative painting of an African drum player in Cameroon.
Here is an oil painting of a musical couple singing and playing the banjo.
This original acrylic painting depicts an African Christian woman at prayer.
An abstract figurative acrylic painting representing two friends.
This painting appears to be somebody who got himself in trouble.
A painting in rich deep colors of African Christians at prayer.
Original painting of African athlete in Abstract Figurative style.
The kora is a traditional musical instrument used in Central and West Africa.
Here is a lively painting of barefoot African dancers by Angu Walters of Cameroon, Central Africa.
Bright acrylic painting of a young family in Africa.
Saturday Market is a 4-foot wide oil painting rich in detail of the busy scene at a village market in Central Africa.
African painting of a musician. Musicians are, perhaps, the favorite theme of artist Angu Walters.
An African music duo sings love songs and plays banjo in this brightly colored painting.
In this striking pink and violet original acrylic painting the artist has painted faces of three women atop one another.
It’s a painting of a family in festive tropical colors.
Painting of close friends in conversation drinking palm wine in a traditional African village.
Painted in bright acrylic colors, it’s a set of abstract figurative faces from Africa.
Painting of an African Mvet player. The Mvet is a stringed musical instrument of the Fang people of Cameroon.
This fascinating acrylic painting from Africa is comprised entirely of a set of faces in bright colors.
An original oil painting on canvas of Christians at prayer in Africa.