Tropical Paintings from Africa
Cameroon artist Angu Walters lives just a little ways inside the northern hemisphere, in the city of Bamenda, surrounded by rainforest. Here is a selection of paintings that will take you away to the tropics. Reproductions and giclée art prints are available. Contact us if you have questions.
The Bush Market
All sorts of people come together in a small African village on market day, Saturday.
Fruit Sellers II
Acrylic painting on canvas of two women selling fruit in Africa.
Juju Dance Group
Nsognwa tribal dance performance in a Central Africa jungle village.
Back from the Harvest
This painting is a scene of African villagers returning home with their harvest at nightfall.
The Happy Family V
The central importance of family is the theme of many Angu Walters paintings.
African Juju Society II
Here is a painting of a village celebrating African juju which is a kind of voodoo.
The Bush Doctor
The village doctor healing the sick with traditional Central African medicine.
African Landscape II
This painting is of a watery African landscape.
To the Market V
African women and girls walk to market with food containers atop their heads in a tropical setting.
In the Village
Tranquil scene of a tiny African village at sunset, 4 foot wide painting.
Fruit Sellers
Fruit Sellers is a small orange painting of African woman and child carrying baskets of fruit on their heads.
Africans greeting visitors, welcoming them to the village. Belongs just inside somebody’s front door.
African villagers return home at sunset.
The Happy Villagers
Friends conversing over palm wine in an African jungle village, a surreal painting in improbable colors.
Water is Life V
Here is a painting of three West African women returning to their village carrying containers of water on their heads.
Water is Life IV
African village women with water containers on their heads. The artist Angu Walters often paints women and mothers.
Saturday Market IV
A painting in soft, cheerful acrylic colors it’s African villagers walking to the weekly market.
The Talking Drummer III
This is an original painting of an African musician playing the drum.
African Village III
Here is an original acrylic painting by Angu Walters of an African village in Cameroon.
To the Market III
This acrylic painting is of African villagers, women and girls, bringing their harvest to market in Cameroon.
Before there was Twitter, there were drums. Acrylic painting of an African villager delivering a message by use of drums.
African Juju Society I
African Juju Society is an acrylic painting of a rooster in an African Village and representing voodoo.
The Happy Villagers IV
Painting of close friends in conversation drinking palm wine in a traditional African village.
The Happy Family VIII
It’s a painting of a family in festive tropical colors.
African Village at Sunset
Angu Walters serene tiny village in Central Africa at sunset.