The Happy Family V

Angu Walters often paints families as he feels strongly that one's family is central to having a happy and successful life. This family portrait is done in oils. The green suggests tropical Cameroon. The artist's home city, Bamenda, is surrounded by lush tropical forest.

* Available *

70 x 90 centimeters

28 x 35 inches

6300 sq cm / 980 sq in


The central importance of family is the theme of many Angu Walters paintings.

This beautiful African painting is a celebration of family in tropical green colors. The artist has captured the joy and love that exists between a mother, father, and children in a way that is heartwarming.

The painting is full of bright colors and light. The overall mood is one of happiness and contentment.

This Happy Family V is a perfect gift for anyone who is looking for a way to express their love for their family. It would also make a great addition to any home, office, or waiting room.

The Happy Family 5 tropical green close
The Happy Family 5 tropical green close
Happy Family 5 African family painting Angu Walters

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The Happy Family V

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Tags: Family, Tropical Painting