Water is Life IV

This colorful oil painting depicts women carrying large jars of water on their heads walking through a lush green forest.

The artist Angu Walters often paints women as mothers. Here, we see women as laborers.

* Available *
Boise, Idaho, USA

70 x 90 centimeters

28 x 35 inches

6300 sq cm / 980 sq in


African village women with water containers on their heads. The artist Angu Walters often paints women and mothers.

This painting, titled "Water is Life," is a reminder of the importance of water. It is a symbol of life, renewal, and hope.

This painting has not been digitally scanned so this is just a photo. The painting looks better in real life. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Water is Life 4 African village women
Water is Life 4 African village women

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Water is Life IV

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Tags: African Village Life, Naive Art, Tropical Painting, Women